All posts by LUNC.Admin

2021 Spring WORK day

LUNC 2021 Spring Cleanup – 9am on 1 May at the clubhouse

Customary Workday Projects

               – common grounds raking/cleanup

               – clean/clear ditches and sluice pipes along club road…

Note: There is one ditch that leads away from Nimrod Road that is impeded by a fallen tree…will need chain saw to clear

               – dock/floating dock … annual install

               – clubhouse interior general spruce up

Additional Projects

               – shooting range general cleanup, remove debris  as needed

– continued Paint/stain  picnic tables weather permitting…stain is available in club shed

If there are additional ideas for work to be done in the scope of time available, please let me know and we can add it to the morning work.  Any work details left undone will be posted on the website and in the bulletin board outside the clubhouse for anyone interested in putting in their workday hours at another time..

See you all on May Day!

Tim Westgate

Dear Members,

It is with great sadness that we share our friend and fellow Lake Underwood Nimrod Club member, Fred Schultz, passed away peacefully at his home Sunday, January 10th. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Schultz family.

Fred Schultz

AED Defibrillator

Just a quick note to let you know that the AED Defibrillator in the clubhouse has been relocated for the winter months. It cannot withstand freezing temperatures and cannot be kept outdoors.  Once the spring arrives, the AED Defibrillator will be returned to the clubhouse.

Board of Trustees

2020 Jobs for WOrkDAY credit

Customary Workday Projects:

  • clean ditches and sluice pipes along club road
  • dock/floating dock deployment…completed
  • mow both sides of dam area…done 5/31
  • common grounds raking/cleanup

Additional Projects:

  • shooting range general cleanup, remove debris (tattered target stands/targets)
  • repair tattered target stands that were designed for (2’ x 4’) plywood replacement but frame damaged…repair pending
  • install posts with reflectors to mark end of slice pipes at range entry
  • Picnic pavilion gables are weather worn and need professional replacement however, they can be painted (lakeside and opposite side) to hold for another year
  • clean/straighten out hemlock grove behind clubhouse by existing wood storage shed
  • Existing fire-pit area
    • fire-pit can be enlarged (stone available)
    • possible Fall Workday project is to move existing wood storage shed to somewhere closer to fire-pit
    • another Fall workday project is to split wood left over from ramp install and stock woodshed
  • Paint/stain all picnic tables…check with Kirk Moyer for best product and color
  • Paint/stain all outdoor wood on clubhouse (front steps, steps to balcony, and balcony… check with Kirk Moyer for best product and color

Many projects are ongoing throughout the year (ie. Grass cutting at the dam).  If there is NOT something on this list where you have seen a need, either let me know and I can add to the list OR, DIY and let me know what was done.  Feel free to contact me for any questions related to LUNC work projects

Tim Westgate  302 381-9060

2020 annual Meeting

Dear Members,

We hope all of you are well and safe.  As the pandemic continues, the LUNC Board of Trustees laid out a preliminary plan to fulfill our Annual Meeting obligation.  We wanted to give everyone some early insight into the plan, so each member can participate in a way that is comfortable for them.   

Our constitution says that the Annual Meeting will occur “on or before the last Saturday of June”, which is 27 June this year.  There are two critical votes needed before we enter into the new fiscal year, which starts 1 July.  Those critical votes are 1) approval of the new budget, and 2) approval of new trustees and officers.  There will likely still be prohibitions in place on large gatherings, and even if social distancing were eased, there are many members who should not be exposed to an in-person meeting.  

The Board outlined a two-prong approach to conducting this year’s Annual Meeting.  We intend to have a mail-in vote, as well as a Zoom-type virtual meeting on 27 June.  We would send out the mail-in vote, with all the necessary documents and ballots, in plenty of time for members to fill out and either email or postal-mail them prior to 27 June.  Any member (full and associate) can participate in the Zoom-type virtual meeting, but voting members (full) can only vote once (either mail-in or during the virtual meeting).

We will update you along the way, but wanted to let you know our preliminary plan.  Please contact us if you have any questions.  Hope to see you on the Lake!

Mike Erk,
LUNC President, on behalf of the Board of Trustees

COVID-19 IMPACT ON our 2020 Season

We hope everyone is safe and well during the COVID-19 situation!  The LUNC Board of Trustees is working through the COVID-19 implications to our upcoming 2020 season.  Below are some the items we are addressing:

  • We will not hold our spring-time group workday, which was scheduled for 2 May.  On our website, we will post a list of needed work that members can do on an individual basis throughout the year.  Hopefully we will be able to have our second annual fall-time group workday.
  • Our clubhouse rental policy is that cancellations are non-refundable.  For this year (2020), the board voted to allow the Club to reimburse members for rental cancellations due to COVID-19.
  • We will continue to assess the situation for our annual meeting, scheduled for 27 June, and inform members if we need to make adjustments.

Stay safe,
Mike Erk, on behalf of the LUNC Board of Trustees

Fish Survey Starting on 20 JUne

Lake Underwood Nimrod Club Members,

On Monday June 10th, Princeton Hydro will begin carrying out a several day fishery survey on Lake Underwood. This work is related to the fishery survey that was conducted last fall.  The data from this survey and the fall survey will be used to inform lake management decisions moving forward. The survey will be conducted using two primary methods of capture, netting and electrofishing. To avoid any problems with either deployed Princeton Hydro gear or member property, while on the lake please steer clear of marker buoys as there are likely nets or rope below. Some nets may be marked by two buoys in a straight line. In that case it’s advisable to avoid steering watercraft between the marker buoys as it could result in damage to the nets and/or your boat motors/fishing gear.

In addition, as mentioned above, Princeton Hydro personnel will also be performing electrofishing in the shoreline shallower water. We ask that members refrain from approaching the Princeton Hydro vessel while it is fishing so that safety can be maintained for Princeton Hydro staff and club members, and allow the survey work to proceed efficiently while it is conducted.

Barring adverse weather conditions, completion of the survey will occur on Wednesday June 12th after which normal boating and fishing activities can resume on the lake.

Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.

LUNC Ecological Committee and Board of Trustees